ŠKODA Rollout
A multi-modal concept by umdasch

Breaking with convention and reconfiguring the customer experience, ŠKODA Belgium unveiled their first store in the Docks shopping centre in the heart of Brussels. The store, covering an area of 180 m² not only offers the newest models of vehicles, but also alternative and complementary mobility solutions from ŠKODA partners such as folding bikes from Ahooga and electric scooters from Segway. The Store Makers at umdasch provided their professional expertise to ensure a smooth rollout of the new concept, providing the Manufacturing, Shop Equipment and Installation services. The cooperation between ŠKODA Belgium, ŠKODA Auto and the service providers umdasch, Responsestudios and Sofacompany was a success. Yet another great collaboration of efforts!
Rolling out the test-drive
As part of a mass redesign of its stores across Europe in 2019, this Brussels store is a pilot project for potential future store concepts – a test-drive store, if you like. ŠKODA entrusted umdasch with the task of rolling out the design concept in multiple stores across Europe. The main concept of the new store is to offer both a product, a service and information to the shoppers. To enable customers to use multiple means of transport, a fast growing trend worldwide, the showroom offers a platform whereby knowledge can be shared via digital tools. Experts within the store offer visitors a free mobility check-up to provide them with a personal analysis of their mobility needs. This personal, hands-on experience sets the scene for the new shop concept.

With an ultra-modern style and Scandinavian furniture, this particular ŠKODA design concept looks sleek and professional, presenting homely wood finishing alongside modern shelving and storage concepts. Wood-look High Pressure Laminate coats the back wall, which has in built storage, doubling as shelving and hangers. Embracing a smart and practical concept, the storage and shelving are designed in a way that places products at convenient levels for customers, yet not all on the same level, to break up the eye line and keep visitors engaged.

To bring the concept alive and contrast the straight lines of the furniture, greenery is strategically placed throughout. On either side of the table the ŠKODA ‘Š’ is formed into shape by moss, a clever way to incorporate the corporate design into the store concept.

Digital Concept
Customers are also enticed and engaged through the digital aspect of the concept. The main highlight of the store is the digital Video Wall, on which screens display individualised content. The Video Wall was designed, manufactured and installed by umdasch The Store Makers. Brussels as a city itself is particularly ecological and environmentally conscious, which is why this store is perfectly located to communicate the opportunities for muli-modal means of transportation.

"This initiative is an important first for Belgium," says Karl Lechat, director of ŠKODA Belgium. "No manufacturer has ever opened a shop where visitors can get information about the range of vehicles and also get acquainted with numerous means of transport that are complementary to the car for smooth mobility”.