Our Environment
With consideration and care
Infinite efforts are needed in order to optimise the way we treat our finite resources. Or even better, using materials which can be repeatedly recycled and re-used. We therefore use the raw materials we need carefully and sparingly, and make frequent use of secondary raw materials (recycling materials).
That is why we also set high standards for ourselves. We want to become better every day. And so in our environmental policy we are commited to compliance with legal standards and continuous improvement.
Eco-efficient investments 2022
Every new investment made by the Store Makers at umdasch is subject to an assessment with regard to sustainability. Over 33,5 percent of all investments in the Umdasch Group already contribute to a more sustainable future.
Details: Refers to business year 2022; applies to the Umdasch Group worldwide
ISO certifications
ISO 9001: umdasch Store Makers Amstetten, umdasch Store Makers Leibnitz (also includes the locations Gleinstätten, Hasendorf, Aichach and Strengelbach), umdasch Store Makers Croatia, umdasch Store Makers Construction Osnabrück, umdasch Store Makers Neidenstein, umdasch Madosan, umdasch Story Design Litomyšl
ISO 14001: umdasch Store Makers Leibnitz (also includes the locations Gleinstätten, Hasendorf, Aichach and Strengelbach), umdasch Store Makers Croatia, umdasch Madosan, umdasch Story Design Litomyšl
Details: Reference date August 2023
Reduction in use of fossil fuels
Since June 2019 the largest production location of the Store Makers at umdasch in Leibnitz (Austria) has been using bioheat. It has therefore been possible to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels (gas) by more than 70 percent.
Details: The bioheat is produced by the thermal utilisation of wood and biomass waste as well as the utilisation of animal by-products.
Our umdasch headquarters utilises solar energy.
At our Amstetten location a new photovoltaic installation produces approx. 910,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually. This corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of 200 family households (4 people per household) and saves some 235 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Details: The first stage of the photovoltaic installation has been in operation since the summer of 2021.
CO2 Footprint
The Corporate Carbon Footprint has already been calculated for our four largest production locations in Leibnitz (Austria), Zagreb (Croatia), Litomyšl (Czech Republic) and Bursa (Turkey). On this basis we are now working step by step towards decarbonisation.
Details: Emissions from Scope 1 and Scope 2 were taken into account, as well as selected aspects from Scope 3.
Each action has an effect – and ecologically speaking we can measure this effect through the CO2 footprint. And precisely this is our aim: the measurement of the Corporate Carbon Footprint of the five umdasch production locations. First of all we focus on our direct emissions, for example the fuel consumption of our corporate vehicles (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heat or refrigeration (Scope 2). We also take into account selected aspects of indirect emissions along the value-added chain (Scope 3).
However, this is only the first step! Because we are successively improving the ecological design of those areas in which we see the greatest potential for improvement.

Local sourcing
The term “local” describes something native, something regional. However, it is not possible to limit the term to a specific distance. In our interconnected world with its global supply chains, regional origins are becoming more valuable again. They have wide-ranging advantages such as the employment of regional workers and short delivery routes.
Steel is an important raw material for our shopfitting experts. It is also something that we require in large quantities. Here we focus on regional sourcing, in order to keep the transport of these heavy loads to a minimum. Of course that is good for the environment.

Sustainable forestry
The purchase and processing of wood in line with recognised standards such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) mean for us that we are helping to secure sustainable forestry and the maintenance of social standards.
Our production facility in Zagreb is specialised in wood and metal processing and is our first location to acquire recognised FSC certification.