Niceshops Kantine

Niceshops Kantine
brings colour into your life
niceshops is an online retail and e-commerce concern which operates internationally. But that does not mean that the specialists in next-day delivery are not also at home in the “real” world. The new canteen at their headquarters in Saaz near Paldau makes break times even more attractive for the staff of some 300 employees. The Store Makers at umdasch were responsible for the concept, planning and shopfitting; they created a light, bright and correspondingly inviting meeting place: it is colourful, with jazzy benches, wooden tables, garlands and an open shelving unit that serves as a room divider as well as storage for books, plants and decorative items. It provides a pleasurable light-hearted statement which matches the corporate culture of the company. Or, as niceshops writes on Facebook, “Even bigger and nicer than before.” The food, by the way, is free, “so that no one gets (h)angry”.

“When it comes to our partnership with umdasch and the result, one word especially springs to mind: individuality. In this project there were simply no limits set in that respect.”