Store Makers reference book

A store life

Referenzen umdasch Buch

Store Makers reference book

Company brochure

shops Magazine

Shops 155

Nachhaltig zusammen:
Gemeinsam wachsen mit umdasch The Store Makers
shops 154

shops 154

Stories from the Earth. For the earth.
shops 153

shops 153

The show must go on!
shops 152

shops 152

Staging connects:
Creating experiences with umdasch The Store Makers
Shops 151

Shops 151

A view from above:
New perspectives with umdasch The Store Makers
shops 150

shops 150

150 years Umdasch Group

Product sheets

umdasch Basixx Light Regalsystem

Basixx Light

Basixx Light ist das neueste Regalsystem der
Store Makers von umdasch und bietet noch mehr
Möglichkeiten im Ladenbau!
umdasch Regalsystem BASIXX

Basixx Family

The shelving systems of the Basixx Family can be designed in a variety of ways, can be used in a modular way and offer a maximum of flexibility for every specific need in retail.
Liquid Dispencer by umdasch



Produktblatt Bake Off Systeme

Bake Off Systems

umdasch Smart Gate

umdasch Smart Gate

umdasch UV-C Fitting Room

umdasch UV-C Fitting Room

Produktblatt Preis- & Produkt-Checker

Price & Product Checker

Produktblatt viPOS

viPOS - virtual Point of Sale

Produktblatt ESL.inclusive


Produktblatt Car Price Manager

Car Price Manager

Produktblatt Outdoor Stele

Outdoor Stele

Produktblatt Varitable



A piece of furniture for every occasion - because no piece of furniture is as flexible as Fold-up! Thanks to its modular design, it offers the perfect platform for products of all kinds, regardless of their dimensions and product group.
Produktblatt Retail Cart

Retail Cart

The mobile sales solution that brings the products to the consumers. It is fully customisable, adjustable and most importantly, movable!
POP Point of Purchase

POP Point of Purchase

Put your brand in the limelight uniquely with umdasch POP Displays.
Food Retail EuroShop 2020

Food Retail EuroShop 2020

umdasch Food Retail is preparing actively
for the omni-channel age in food retailing
and offers solutions for all aspects
relating to the POS.
Solid Dispenser

Solid Dispenser

With the Solid Dispenser
it is also possible to purchase
the sustainable dry
assortment in the food sector


From shelf to table
with one turn
Staff Protection Shield

Staff Protection Shield

umdasch Hygiene Station

umdasch Hygiene Station

umdasch Back to Back

umdasch madosan Pallet Racks

umdasch Madosan Light Duty

umdasch Madosan Light Duty

umdasch Madosan Narrow Aisle

umdasch Madosan Narrow Aisle

umdasch madosan Drive-IN

umdasch madosan Drive-IN

umdasch Madosan Cantilever

Cantilever Racks




Retail Studie

Retail Study

General Contracting

General Contracting

Ladenbau Lösungen für Tankstellen umdasch The Store Makers

Store solutions for petrol stations

EuroShop 2023

EuroShop 2023

Service & Supportdocuments

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